Friday, August 28, 2009

Windows 7 Testing

So I have been testing the Windows 7 Release Candidate all summer on my primary computer. I can't say enough good about it. It's stable, sleek, and has some great new functionality. The majority of our applications are SAAS's and most everything else looks like it will be compatible with Win7. We look forward to the release of their final product and you can rest assured that I will be purchasing an upgrade.

This statement might date me, but, remember the days of Windows 98? I worked a helpdesk and this was a very typical conversation.

Me: Hello?
Caller: My program isn't working.
Me: Reboot your computer.
Caller: I just did like TWO HOURS ago.
Me: I know that it hasn't been a long time since you last rebooted but let's try it just in case.
Caller: (while computer reboots) How come I have to reboot my computer at least 3 times a day?
Me: I know it is frustrating and we will upgrade to Windows 2000 as soon as our software is configured to work with it.
Caller: My computer is back up and that fixed it. Thanks so much for your help. You are smartest and the nicest computer guy ever. You are destined to be super successful or work at a church.

OK it wasn't exactly like that but you get the idea. Check out the picture to the right. The first number for the Up time is in days. I know that it is small but it does say 28. I've been running my computer for 28 days and it is still killing it. I don't have memory leaks and my applications aren't slowing down. Instead of rebooting because of problem I now reboot because of updates. Well done Microsoft. One down and a few more major issues to go.

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