Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Hello, I'd like to introduce myself...

I can't tell you how many times a week I receive an email or a phone call from sales people. I completely understand what they are trying to do and I believe they are really trying to save us money or give us better service. The people who we usually work with provide us a great service at a very high value to our organization. What I am struggling to deal with is the balance between being open for new opportunities and not spending too much of my time meeting with vendors.

Aside from my time management, I'm always reminded that the people that are cold calling me are God's children and every interaction is an opportunity to make an eternal impact on someone's soul. That single fact keeps me from hanging up on pesky vendors vying for our business. When I'm ready to be uber-assertive (read: rude) I'm gently reminded to Love.

What are some things to help you find the balance in your work ministry? I think that this applies to everyone regardless if whether you work at a church or not.

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