Friday, May 30, 2008

Computer Clutter

If you ever walked by my office you would notice the piles of stuff that I have to step over and work around to get the job done. Anywhere I have worked I can honestly say that I've never been able to keep a tidy office. I'll admit that about half of the blame lives in my hat but the other half is attributed to the amount of stuff that passes through my office. I have papers, boxes, cables, computers, ram, etc... well you get the point.

My computer isn't much different. It gets loaded with trial programs, web servers, SQL servers, OS files, CD images, drivers, diagnostics, etc... Again I'm sure that you get the point and if you work in Information Technology I'm sure that you share similar battles. I have a good policy for myself and that it is to wipe my computer every year and start over. As in the case of may other policies, I don't adhere to this one like glue. It takes a while to get a computer loaded back up the way I like them. This configuration also mutates month by month so an image of my ideal OS isn't very practical. So instead of the theoretical "every year" I usually depend on my pain threshold. Yesterday I hit the pain threshold yesterday when my desktop crashed 3 times rendering me useless for about 20 minutes each time.

This time I'm going to try and be a little smarter. I've loaded VMware on my computer and anytime I would like to test drive some software I'm going to try it on a VM before I load it to my wonderful desktop. In the process of reloading my computer I went ahead and snagged one of computers that we purchased for our desktop replacement program (don't judge me, they are awesome).

What are some good policies or tips/tricks to avoid your computers getting cluttered and sluggish?


Matthew Irvine said...

I was laughing at you for stealing a computer from yourself, so I came over to your actual site to comment on that. Then I saw the Compassion widget! Way to go! I'm an advocate with Compassion here in Texas.

Foster said...

That is great, thanks for commenting! We just got involved in Compassion and it's been a huge impact on our lives already. I'm also glad that I "stole" a computer from myself because the day after I did the fan went out on the CPU and it regularly overheats.