Friday, March 14, 2008

Blackberry Storm

A few years ago Blackberry swept over Crossings like a raging storm. It was in high demand and a large portion of our staff decided that this was the answer to all of their problems.

Through these years I've seen the iterations of phones roll through like spring, summer, and fall. It is not uncommon for me to swap out a phone once a month or more. (We only have 15 Blackberry users). I am proud to say I'm still rocking and rolling with the archaic 7920. Don't be jealous, but it does what I need it to and it is as durable as a brick. I should know; I've dropped my phone down the concrete stairs more times than I'd like to admit.

The thing that interests me is how many people are jumping the blackberry ship. Has the SS BES lost its luster? I can't speak for every organization but I think that a few of our staffers finally realized that receiving and responding to email isn't as cool as it first seemed.

Don't get me wrong I don't see CCC going BB free anytime soon. We have several die hards that you couldn't pry their blackberry out of their hands with a rusty crowbar. These people also don't mind the expectations that comes with a Blackberry so it is a perfect fit. I just never thought that I see someone go cold turkey from a crackberry and not go through any withdraws. So far of the people that jumped ship have even mentioned going back to BES.
To me, this is neither a good thing nor a bad thing, it's just an observation.

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