Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Computer Training

Lately we have had some people that have been interested in serving in the IT ministry. Unfortunately we don't have very much in place to facilitate volunteers currently. I think that is about to change with the addition of a community center. Recently our church purchased a building in an area convenient to people that typically don't attend our services. Its intent is to be an epicenter for the community around to come and be encouraged. There have been many ideas for uses for the space. One of the things that I would love to see is a room full of computers where people could come and use them to check out the internet or have volunteer led class in educating people on useful skills in the workplace.

It is just an idea that I would love to come to fruition the one hang up is the need for the computer. We don't exactly have the hardware to fill a room with so we are looking into grants so we can have new computers in there. Usually the leftovers from our offices are really worn out and wouldn't be useful for learning.

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